馃晩 饾棥饾棦 饾棯饾棓饾棩 ! 馃嚭馃嚘
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States 馃嚭馃嚫
Death Metal
Apocalyptic Necromancy
Full-length August 6th, 2011 CD
Dark Descent Records
1. Apocalyptic Necromancy
2. Xurroth Rreeth N'Vez Helm (City of Rot and Decay)
3. The Attractor
4. Void of the Larva Queen
5. Shroud of the Hyena (.....Innall Ninuttix.....)
6. Footpaths in the Vortex of Doom
7. Dark Star Dementia
8. Igigi Reactor
9. Totem of the Vulture (.....Sirrix Noxhuun.....)
10. Sigil on Death's Hand
11. White Wind Spectre
12. Rust Worms & the Noxious Fevers They Bring
饾悇饾惂饾悳饾惒饾悳饾惀饾惃饾惄饾悮饾悶饾悵饾悽饾悮 饾悓饾悶饾惌饾悮饾惀饾惀饾惍饾惁
@silvermoonmetalarchive 饾悽饾惉 饾悮 饾惄饾惈饾惃饾惁饾惃 饾惄饾惀饾悮饾悳饾悶, 饾悳饾惃饾惂饾惌饾悮饾悳饾惌 饾悵饾悽饾惈饾悶饾悳饾惌饾惀饾惒 饾悽饾悷 饾惒饾惃饾惍'饾悵 饾惀饾悽饾悿饾悶 饾惌饾惃 饾惉饾悶饾惂饾悵 饾悽饾惂饾悷饾惃. 饾悁饾惀饾惀 饾惈饾悽饾悹饾悺饾惌饾惉 饾悰饾悶饾惀饾惃饾惂饾悹 饾惌饾惃 饾悮饾惈饾惌饾悽饾惉饾惌 !
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